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Kombucha may be a newer trendy health food to most of us, but it is actually an ancient recipe from around 2,000 years ago originating in the Far East. The health benefits of kombucha range from your brain to your gut!

What is kombucha??
It is a fermented beverage consisting of black tea (and sometimes other teas), sugar (from honey, cane sugar, or fruit), and a colony of bacteria and yeast that start the fermentation process. After fermentation, kombucha becomes carbonated and contains vinegar, B vitamins, enzymes, probiotics, and tastes acidic. Kombucha is a great substitute for sodas, but you should always look at the sugar content on the nutrition facts label. Kombucha comes in many flavors.

Health benefits?
Contains antioxidants from the ingredients and produces its own antioxidants from the fermentation process. Antioxidants help reduce inflammation and reduce oxidative stress on the cells.It has an energizing potency from the caffeinated teas and supports healthy digestion. Kombucha is also an antibacterial agent for the bad bacteria in our gut, but supports the good bacteria in our gut.

Now, try it for yourself!
The video below shows a step-by-step process on how to make your OWN kombucha!