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Can we work together remotely?
Yes! We prefer to have an initial visit in person if at all possible. Telemedicine has restrictions in some states, so this will be considered as well. With the exception of a blood draw (if necessary) all lab test kits can be mailed to you and performed in the privacy of your own home, then mailed back to the lab along with your sample(s). Once we receive your results from the lab, we will email you a brief video interpretation of your results followed by a one hour appointment to go over them in greater detail. Appointments with any Feel Good Functional Medicine team member can be done from the comfort of your own home or office via phone, Zoom, or Skype from virtually anywhere in the world.
Is lab testing necessary for the program?
Yes! Labs are a vital part of the process in uncovering hidden malfunctions, discovering healing opportunities, and getting to the root cause of your health issues. Without the data and information that labs provide us, we would just be guessing what’s wrong with you. We don’t guess…we test.
How much do lab fees cost?
We will determine which lab test(s) will be necessary during our initial discovery session and will depend upon the information discussed at that time. On average, you can expect to spend between $500-$1500 for initial testing. In some cases, follow-up testing may be advisable to monitor things such as hormone balancing or the eradication of a gut pathogen. Regardless of how much you pay in lab fees, we’ve made every effort to ensure that you’re receiving direct-lab wholesale pricing on all lab tests. Depending on your insurance coverage, many lab tests can be covered by your insurance.
Do you offer a family discount?
Yes! We offer a 10% discount for each immediate family member (spouse and children under 18.)
How long does it take to heal?
There are many factors involved in determining how long it will take for an individual to heal, such as your level of participation and commitment, your individual health issues, and your current state of vitality. It’s important to understand that it’s not reasonable to expect to undo decades of damage in just a few weeks. We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to healing, because we’re all unique individuals with different histories, abilities, lifestyles, and needs. This means the healing process will be as unique as you and we like to allow it to unfold naturally as your body permits. No matter how long it takes, our entire team is here to support you throughout your healing journey.
Can we continue working together when the program is over?
Yes! While we endeavor to provide you with everything you need to become liberated from the “symptom-management” system, many patients come to realize that a healthy mind, body, and spirit is priceless, and as such they find comfort and value in continuing with ongoing support from our team. Whether you choose to adopt a proactive approach to maintaining your health, or if you require additional support after your program is complete, we make it easy and affordable for you with a few options. Our goal is to provide the right amount of support to facilitate your goals.

Regardless of what you choose, you have lifetime access to our interactive online Feel Good Functional Medicine Community with many other heart-centered health-seekers, as well as our talks and workshops.

What do I need to know before my first appointment?
1. Online intake forms must be completed at least two business days before initial visit. This will allow your provider to review all of your information, and have a good sense of what is going on before the initial visit.

2. If you cannot fill out the intake forms online, no problem! You may print them out, fill them in and mail or bring them by the clinic two business days prior to your visit.

3. Additional paper work to include: insurance information, HIPAA privacy form, release of information with any family members (if desired), preferred mode of contact, and medical record request form (if necessary).

4. It is preferred if you can send any pertinent lab or imaging studies which have been done within the past several years before your visit so these may be reviewed.

5. If possible, please email a picture of yourself that we may use in your medical record.

6. Please keep a food diary for three days before your initial appointment.

What should I expect for my first appointment?
Expect to spend some time with us as we want to get to know you! You may be with us for up to two hours at your initial consultation. At least one hour will be in consultation with   the physician. Before meeting with your provider, you will fill out additional forms and one of our coaches will get your vital signs and help you complete a symptom review.

Please bring your insurance card and another form of identification with you (driver’s license is suitable).

Please bring a bag with all of your supplements and medications you are currently taking.

No labs are necessary prior to your first visit. No fasting is required prior to your first visit.

Lab work ordered on the first visit will be based on your symptoms and what seems the most appropriate starting point. Generally speaking, our clients are all evaluated with a questionnaire and a vision test for chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) or mold illness. Many times, we find this leads to blood work which will be ordered on the first visit. Other tests we commonly order include complete stool testing and a nutritional evaluation. Labs to evaluate for CIRS (which includes the diagnosis of mold illness, post-Lyme syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, among others) are often covered by insurance. You will also have the opportunity for direct lab pricing, if not billing insurance.

Can I use my health insurance at the clinic?
Feel Good Functional Medicine does not currently submit claims to health insurance. We can provide you a superbill for our services, which you may submit to your insurance for reimbursement, with the exception of Medicare or Medicaid.

Pre-authorization: What is it and when do I need it?

A pre-authorization is a decision by your health insurer or plan that a health care service, treatment plan, prescription drug or durable medical equipment is medically necessary. Sometimes called prior authorization, prior approval or pre-certification. Your health insurance or plan may require pre-authorization for certain services before you receive them, except in an emergency. Pre-authorization isn’t a promise your health insurance or plan will cover the cost.

For medications: First, your pharmacy will contact whoever prescribed the medication. They will let the physician know the insurance company required a pre-authorization. At this point, you can fill your prescription and pay the full price, or you can wait. Next, the physician (or his or her staff) will contact the insurance company.

Please contact your insurance company about any questions you have if a service, procedure, or medication needs a pre-authorization. If your insurance confirms it is needed, please contact the ordering physician to complete the pre-authorization.

Medicare and Medicaid

We are not providers for Medicare or Medicaid (we have “opted out”), so they may not be billed for any of our services.

Conventional lab work (which often includes labs to evaluate for CIRS) and referrals are generally covered by these plans.

The exception to this is Medicare HMOs, sometimes these plans require in-network physicians to order testing.

For those in a Medicare HMO, we will provide communication with your physician to request the ordering of labs which will help identify root cause of your symptoms.

When will I get my lab results and how can I view them?
Lab work panels are reviewed when received in their entirety at our clinic. Partial results do not give a full picture, so we wait for a complete panel to return to interpret. This may take several weeks, depending on the tests ordered. 

Kit testing can take up to 4-6 weeks to result, depending on the laboratory ordered. Simple blood draws have a quicker turnaround time.

Clients in one of our programs will receive a link to a video interpretation of labs.

If you have not received results of blood work drawn at a lab (not part of a “box kit”) within 2 weeks, please email us:

If you have not received results from a “box kit” lab (mailed off) within 6 weeks after mailing, email us:

We will report any critical lab work to you immediately.

Why is that some lab work does not show up in my patient portal?
Labs that are performed at facilities besides Quest and LabCorp do not feed into the lab portal because they have to be scanned in to your chart.
How do I get into my patient portal?
At your first visit we will send you an invitation to join the portal and a unique code to enter initially. After signing in you may change your password
Can I purchase supplements at Feel Good Functional Medicine?
Please email us before you stop by to confirm that we have the supplement you need in stock.

Our supply changes from day to day, but we try to maintain the commonly used items.

Do I still need a Primary Care Physician?
Yes, you need a primary care physician as we do not provide primary care services. 
How do you work with Kaiser insurance?
Dr. Goggin is out of network for Kaiser insurance. Lab tests ordered by Dr. Goggin and visits are out-of-pocket for patients. If you decide to join the Essentials program, we will engage with your Kaiser PCP (with your permission) and send a letter with an explanation of the lab tests Dr. Goggin recommends. This will give your PCP the opportunity to order any lab tests that may be covered by Kaiser insurance. Lab tests not covered by Kaiser can be ordered by Dr. Goggin. On average, you can expect to spend between $500-$1500 for initial testing. Regardless of how much you pay in lab fees, we’ve made every effort to ensure that you’re receiving direct-lab wholesale pricing on all lab tests.
Why do you ask for payment for the initial consultation prior to the day of service?
Payment for your initial consultation goes towards an extensive review of your intake forms and medical history by the physician, which happens days before your visit. Our physicians aim to know your health history well before your visit and use their expertise to make an initial treatment plan. The initial payment also goes towards the use of an energetic modality treatment during your visit, as well as a one-on-one consultation wrap-up with one of our health coaches. The payment can be applied towards the cost of the Essentials program, if you choose.