While it is easy to dismiss gluten allergies as a new-age fad, there is actually significant science behind it that demonstrates the serious effects on one’s health that it can take.
Gluten is a protein molecule that can be found in most oats, wheat, barley, rye, and the grains. Most breads you come across will likely have gluten in them. Consequently, most nuts, seeds, meats, eggs, dairy, fruit, and vegetables are gluten-free.
To be classified as “gluten-free,” a food must contain less than 30 parts per million of gluten. However, those who suffer from a strong allergy, or Celiac disease, have been known to develop reactions caused by foods with gluten levels as low as 3 parts per million.
More than 18 million Americans suffering from some form of gluten sensitivity, and such a sensitivity can lead to conditions as minor as a rash and as serious as a seizure. In other words, those with a gluten sensitivity cannot rely on food package’s label alone. To make matters worth, most traditional clinicians only look for gluten sensitivity in the GI tract and not throughout the body.

The team at Feel Good Functional Medicine approaches gluten sensitivity in a unique manner that differentiates ourselves from everyone else. We begin by screening you for possible hidden effects of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) to ensure that this sneaky illness is not playing a part in your symptoms. Dr. Goggin can help you develop and maintain a gluten-conscious diet that will allow your body to thrive without affecting your day-to-day lifestyle.
We also encourage you to check out our gluten-free recipes and resources, which you can access in our “Useful Links” page.